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The origin of the word “travel” is most likely lost to history. The term “travel” may originate from the Old French word travail.[3] According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the first known use of the word travel was in the 14th century. It also states that the word comes from Middle English travailen, travelen (which means to torment, labor, strive, journey) and earlier from Old French travailler (which means to work strenuously, toil).

In English we still occasionally use the words travail and travails, which mean struggle. According to Simon Winchester in his book The Best Travelers’ Tales (2004), the words travel and travail both share an even more ancient root: a Roman instrument of torture called the tripalium (in Latin it means “three stakes”, as in to impale). This link reflects the extreme difficulty of travel in ancient times.

Dove parcheggiare nella Riviera del Conero
La Riviera del Conero è nota per le sue meravigliose spiagge ed il suo paesaggio. Il verde si unisce al blu del mare e molte volte questo ambiente non è adatto a muoversi in auto. Di seguito vi [...]
Mar 06, 2018 Categoria:Uncategorized 0 Commenti
Adriatehavet – Conero Holidays
RIVIERA DEL CONERO Riviera del Conero har kanskje det vakreste kystlandskapet i hele Italia. Området finner du rett syd for Ancona ved Adriaterhavet. Innenfor det konsentrerte området varierer [...]
Mar 06, 2018 Categoria:Uncategorized 0 Commenti
De Twee Zusters – Conero Holidays
De Twee Zusters Wij wandelen naar het uitkijkpunt Belvedere, vanwaar je uitzicht hebt over de mooiste en bekendste baai van dit gebied: het strand van de Due Sorelle, de ‘Twee Zusters’. De [...]
Mar 06, 2018 Categoria:Uncategorized 0 Commenti